David Sinclair's Supplements: Longevity Essentials & Drug Stack

Jun 23, 2024 Just-Glow
David Sinclair's Supplements

Key Takeaways

  • David Sinclair, the renowned Harvard scientist, advocates a comprehensive longevity protocol featuring supplements like NMN, Resveratrol, Metformin, and others.
  • These supplements are selected for their ability to enhance cellular health, activate longevity pathways such as NAD+ and sirtuins, and improve metabolic function.
  • Sinclair's disciplined approach includes precise dosages and a balanced lifestyle, emphasizing the potential benefits of his regimen in promoting healthspan and combating aging.

David Sinclair and Longevity Research

David Sinclair is a top-notch professor at Harvard Med School. He's on a mission to understand aging and boost the years we stay healthy. As a lead at the Glenn Center for Aging Biology, he digs deep into why we age.

Who is David Sinclair?

A leading figure in aging studies, David Sinclair shines through his work. He's shared loads of insights in his scientific writings and books. His research is not just for science folks; it offers hope for us all as we face getting older.

The Science of Longevity

Sinclair zooms into several areas to unlock longevity secrets: sirtuins, NAD+, and special compounds. By tweaking these, he's been able to extend animal life and health. This work has paved the way for his unique health regimen.



Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

1 g/day in the morning


1 g/day with meals, morning or early afternoon


800 mg/day with meals, typically breakfast/dinner

Trimethylglycine (TMG)

500-1,000 mg/day with meals

Vitamin D3

4,000-5,000 IU/day morning with breakfast

Vitamin K2

180-360 mcg/day with meals, morning or early afternoon



Low-dose aspirin

81 mg/day morning, unless directed otherwise

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)



1 mg/day with meals

Quercetin and Fisetin

500 mg/day with meals

The chart shows the main supplements in David Sinclair's program and how much to take. These supplements play a big part in cellular well-being and longevity, according to his studies.


Key Supplements Recommended by David Sinclair

David Sinclair, from Harvard Medical School, revealed his anti-aging supplement list. These supplements are a crucial part of his daily routine. They aim to keep him healthy as he grows older and increase his life span.

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

NMN is a big part of Sinclair's plan to fight aging. It's the key ingredient that helps with processes like DNA repair and energy production. By taking 1 gram of NMN every day, Sinclair boosts his levels of NAD+. This helps improve how his body works, with benefits like better muscle and less inflammation, which may slow down aging.


Increases NAD+ levels, supporting energy metabolism and DNA repair.


  • Enhances mitochondrial function.
  • Improves physical endurance and muscle function.
  • Supports cardiovascular health.
  • Promotes healthy aging and longevity.


    Another important supplement for Sinclair is resveratrol. It comes from red wine and offers many health perks. By pairing it with NMN, it activates sirtuins, vital for cellular health. Research shows resveratrol can slow down aging in major organs, improve memory, and cut down brain swelling.


    Activates sirtuins, mimicking the effects of calorie restriction.


    • Improves cardiovascular health.
    • Reduces inflammation.
    • Protects against oxidative stress.
    • Supports metabolic health and longevity.


    Metformin, usually for diabetes, is also in Sinclair's health plan. He takes 800 mg of it at night. It enhances how insulin works and helps maintain healthy blood sugar, which is crucial for staying fit as you age. Animal tests suggest it might also help the immune system and protect against aging signs like weaker muscles.


    Improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar levels.


    • Mimics calorie restriction effects.
    • Reduces the risk of age-related diseases.
    • Potentially extends lifespan.
    • Supports metabolic health.

    TMG (trimethyl glycine or betaine)

    Sinclair takes 500-1,000 mg of TMG to balance his need for NMN. NMN can cause high nicotinamide levels that need to be managed. TMG does this by ensuring key cellular processes, like DNA maintenance, run smoothly.


    Supports methylation processes in the body.


    • Maintains healthy homocysteine levels.
    • Supports cardiovascular health.
    • Enhances the effectiveness of NMN.
    • Promotes liver function and detoxification.

    Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D3 is vital in keeping Sinclair healthy as he ages. He takes 4,000 to 5,000 IU each day. It's not just good for your bones. Without it, you risk developing heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's, all linked to getting older.


    Regulates calcium and phosphorus levels, supporting bone health.


    • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
    • Supports immune function.
    • Protects against certain cancers.
    • Improves mood and mental health.

    Vitamin K2

    For strong bones and a healthy heart, Sinclair takes vitamin K2 too. He gets 180 to 360 mcg daily. It's a great combo with vitamin D3. K2 steers calcium from your arteries to your bones, enhancing their strength and keeping your heart well.


    Regulates calcium deposition in bones and arteries.


    • Supports bone health.
    • Prevents arterial calcification.
    • Improves cardiovascular health.
    • Enhances the effects of Vitamin D3.


    Due to a diabetes history in his family, a statin drug is part of Sinclair’s plan. Statins are mainly for cholesterol and heart health. Recent studies hint at possible wider benefits for aging.


    Lower the cholesterol levels and reduces inflammation.


    • Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
    • May extend lifespan by improving heart health.
    • Supports overall cardiovascular health.

    Low-dose aspirin

    For heart and cancer protection, Sinclair includes 81 mg of aspirin daily. It’s a small dose but might do a lot of good. While it’s not yet clear how much it directly boosts lifespan, Sinclair sees it as a key part of his well-rounded aging strategy.


    Acts as an anti-inflammatory and blood thinner.


    • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular events.
    • Has potential protective effects against certain cancers.
    • Reduces chronic inflammation.
    • Supports overall heart health.

    Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)

    ALA, a strong antioxidant, is on Sinclair's list to help with energy and cellular health. He got the idea to use it from talks with the family of a renowned aging expert. Choosing ALA is a step toward improving how his cells function.


    Acts as an antioxidant and supports mitochondrial function.


    • Reduces oxidative stress.
    • Supports energy production.
    • Improves insulin sensitivity.
    • Promotes healthy aging.

    Coenzyme Q10 (coQ10)

    Sinclair also uses CoQ10 for its support of his cell and mitochondrial health. It plays a big role in making energy and fighting off age-related problems. Including it in his routine in hopes of protecting his body on a cellular level.


    Supports mitochondrial energy production and acts as an antioxidant.


    • Supports heart health.
    • Reduces muscle fatigue.
    • Improves energy levels.
    • Protects cells from oxidative damage.


    Spermidine, found in certain foods, boosts an important cellular repair process called autophagy. This in turn may improve health and lengthen life. Research in animals shows spermidine could help with heart health, cancer, and problems like Alzheimer’s.


    Promotes autophagy, enhancing cellular renewal.


    • Supports cellular health and longevity.
    • Improves cognitive function.
    • Reduces inflammation.
    • Promotes healthy aging.


    Quercetin and Fisetin

    Two substances, quercetin, and fisetin, help clear out cells that don’t work well anymore. This may slow down aging. Quercetin is more effective when paired with a cancer drug. Fisetin perhaps can better brain health and muscle strength, as seen in animals.


    Acts as antioxidants and promote senolytic activity.


    • Clears senescent cells.
    • Reduces inflammation.
    • Supports cardiovascular health.
    • Promotes healthy aging and longevity.

    Order your Longevity Supplements today and start your healthy aging journey.


    David Sinclair's Supplements Longevity

    How These Supplements Work: The Science Behind the Claims

    David Sinclair's supplement lineup, like NMN and resveratrol, targets cell health and function. They boost NAD+ and activate sirtuins to fight aging signs. This may improve health and life span.

    Enhancing Cellular Health

    Resveratrol and spermidine activate sirtuins, which help control cells to support a long life. Some, like metformin, also boost the AMPK pathway, aiding cellular processes and slowing aging.

    Activating Sirtuins and AMPK Pathways

    In Sinclair's plan, metformin and others improve metabolism and control blood sugar and cholesterol. This aims to reduce age's metabolic stress on health and life length.

    Improving Metabolic Function

    Some say getting old is a disease, but we can slow it. Research ties NAD+ loss to aging, yet NMN might reverse this in mice. Metformin also activates the AMPK pathway against aging.


    Mechanism of Action

    Potential Benefits


    NAD+ replenishment

    Improved cellular health, mitochondrial optimization


    Sirtuin activation

    Regulation of cellular processes linked to longevity


    AMPK pathway activation

    Improved metabolic function, regulation of cellular metabolism, and aging

    Practical Tips for Incorporating Longevity Supplements

    Starting a longevity supplement plan like Sinclair's takes effort and time. A steady daily schedule is vital. Take the supplements at the right times and in the correct amount. Matching some supplements, like NMN and resveratrol, can make them even better. The secret is to be consistent and patient with these additions to your life.

    Creating a Supplement Routine

    Here are some top tips for an effective supplement routine:

    1. First, pick out the key supplements Sinclair suggests, such as NMN, resveratrol, metformin, and vitamin D3. Know how much of each to take.
    2. Next, figure out when to take them - with food, before eating, or spread out throughout the day.
    3. Choose top-notch supplements to get the best results while ensuring they're pure and strong.
    4. Make taking your supplements a natural part of your day-to-day. This will help you stick to it.
    5. Use a pill organizer or an app to help you remember and stay on track. This makes it easier to be consistent.

    Potential Side Effects and Precautions

    Most of Sinclair's recommended supplements are safe. But, knowing possible side effects is important. For instance, metformin might upset your stomach. It could also lower how much vitamin B12 your body absorbs. Check-in with your doctor regularly when taking lots of anti-aging supplements.

    And, watch out for how supplements might react with any health problems or medications you have. Working with your doctor is key. They can make sure you're using the supplements safely and correctly.

    Real-World Results and Testimonials

    Sinclair's supplement plan comes from new science research. But remember, everyone might not see the same results. Stories and case studies from those using his strategies can be helpful. They can give you an idea of what might happen if you try these supplements.

    However, always take these stories carefully. What one person experiences may not be what everyone would. Just because it works for one person doesn't mean it will for you.

    Case Studies and Success Stories

    Sinclair says he's biologically younger than his age. At 53, he's really like he's 43. A test showed he's 32 'biologically', which means he looks twenty years younger.

    This change happened by avoiding some food, like sugar, and by taking certain supplements since his 30s. Also, he eats lots of plants and fasts now and then. These helped his brain a lot. He says it feels like it's 20 years younger.

    Clinical Studies and Research Findings

    It's key to look at the science behind Sinclair's advice. For example, NMN and resveratrol have shown good results in tests on people. But we still need to learn more about how these supplements work over time.

    The study of how we age is always changing. New info could make these supplements even better for health and living longer.


    What is David Sinclair's longevity protocol?

    David Sinclair, a well-known scientist from Harvard, focuses on extending our lifespan. He suggests a specific combination of supplements and drugs. This protocol aims to slow down how fast we age.

    What are the key supplements in Sinclair's longevity regimen?

    In Sinclair's plan, key supplements include Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), Resveratrol, and Metformin. He also recommends Trimethyl glycine (TMG), Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, and others. These supplements are part of his detailed program.

    What does David Sinclair take daily?

    David Sinclair takes a regimen that includes NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide), resveratrol, metformin, and vitamin D3.

    How many hours does David Sinclair sleep?

    David Sinclair typically sleeps for around 6 hours per night.

    What foods does David Sinclair avoid?

    David Sinclair avoids foods high in sugar and processed carbohydrates.

    What vegetables does David Sinclair eat?

    David Sinclair includes broccoli, kale, and spinach in his diet regularly.


    In conclusion, David Sinclair's approach to longevity through supplements like NMN and a specific drug stack underscores the potential of targeted interventions in aging. His regimen, supported by scientific research, offers insights into enhancing healthspan and vitality. If you're inspired to explore similar strategies for optimizing your own health and longevity, Just-Glow offers a range of wellness products that may align with your goals. Discover our selection today and take a proactive step towards a healthier future.


    Dr. David Sinclair is a top Harvard scientist. He's known for his work on genetics and aging. Sinclair believes we could live to 150 today. His research goes far beyond the lab. Let's see what makes his health plan tick. We'll look into the special supplements and drugs that Sinclair uses. These help him stay healthy and slow down aging. He uses things like Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), Resveratrol, and Metformin. We'll find out why they are so important to him.