What is Spermidine? A Guide to This Longevity Compound

Jun 20, 2024 Just-Glow
What Is Spermidine

Key Takeaways:

  • Spermidine Fights Aging: Declining with age, spermidine shows promise in extending lifespan and fighting age-related diseases.
  • Vital for Health: Spermidine supports cell growth, DNA stability, and offers various health benefits including heart and brain health support, and reducing inflammation.
  • Boosting Spermidine Intake: Increase spermidine through diet (wheat germ, soybeans, mushrooms), lifestyle changes, and supplementation under professional guidance.

What is Spermidine?

Spermidine is a natural polyamine found in every living organism. It aids in many metabolic activities and is key for cells to work. As we grow older, our body's spermidine levels drop. This decrease may play a part in aging and age-related illnesses.

Historical Context and Discovery

In 1678, a Dutch scientist named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek found spermidine in semen. He is known as the "father of microbiology." The discovery led to the naming of the compound. It was later found in many living things.

Importance in Biological Processes

Spermidine is vital for cell growth and the maintenance of DNA, RNA, and proteins. It helps in the regulation of genes and the making of proteins. It also guides cellular signals.

Scientists are looking at spermidine for treating diseases like cancer, heart problems, and brain disorders.

What Is Spermidine Supplement

Chemical Structure and Properties of Spermidine

Spermidine is a polyamine compound. It has the formula H2N(CH2)3NH(CH2)4NH2. It's made up of a chain with three methylene groups and two amino groups. This lets spermidine work with many biomolecules, leading to various biological actions.

Molecular Structure

At standard pH, spermidine is positive. This makes it able to bond with negative substances like DNA and proteins. Such bonds are key in keeping these molecules stable. Spermidine is also water-soluble and stays stable. This helps to move it around the body.

Chemical Properties

Spermidine has a molar mass of 145.250 g·mol−1. It melts between 22 to 25 °C. It dissolves in water at 145 g L−1 at 20 °C.

Natural Sources of Spermidine

Foods like wheat germ, soybeans, aged cheese, mushrooms, and some fruits and veggies contain spermidine. It's also made by the body, with higher amounts in the prostate, semen, and certain organs. Plus, the gut bacteria can produce it. This shows the critical link between a strong gut and good health.

What Is Spermidine Supplements

Biological Functions of Spermidine

Spermidine is vital for many cell activities like growth, cell division, and cell death. It's key in managing gene expression, making proteins, and signaling within cells. Spermidine works closely with DNA, RNA, and proteins. This maintains cell stability and helps things work right.

Role in Cellular Processes

Spermidine helps with different aspects of cell life, including growth and death. It plays a key part in gene control, making proteins, and how cells communicate. Notably, it ensures cell stability and the correct performance of cell parts.

Spermidine and Autophagy

Spermidine boosts a process called autophagy, which is linked to cell cleaning. It helps cells get rid of waste, keeping them healthy. This is important for cell health and might combat aging. Research on many organisms shows spermidine might help living longer.

Spermidine and DNA Stability

Spermidine plays a role in keeping DNA stable by protecting it from harm. It works with DNA to control and repair genes, safeguarding our genetic code. This is essential for cell health and disease prevention, like cancer.

Health Benefits of Spermidine

Longevity and Aging

Spermidine shows promise in adding years to your life and slowing aging. It does this by promoting autophagy, defending DNA from harm, and impacting cell processes. Research on animals suggests spermidine can make lives longer and keep us healthier longer. So, it looks like a good bet for healthy aging.

Cardiovascular Health

It turns out spermidine does wonders for your heart as well. It boosts the endothelium's function and helps lessen blood pressure. With healthier blood vessels and less plaque, it might lower the chances of heart disease and stroke.

Neuroprotective Effects

Some studies hint that spermidine could safeguard our brains. By encouraging brain autophagy, it might get rid of old or faulty brain cells to keep us sharp. Plus, it may boost memory and thinking skills.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Another great aspect of spermidine is its anti-inflammatory nature. It fights off certain inflammatory chemicals, cutting down on chronic inflammation. This is big news, as chronic inflammation is linked to many age-related issues.

Spermidine and Cancer Prevention

Spermidine may even help avoid cancer. It triggers autophagy, guards DNA, and might slow cancer cell growth. Some think its effect is comparable to the benefits seen in diets like caloric restriction or fasting, lowering cancer risk.

Dietary Sources of Spermidine

Spermidine comes from many plant-based foods. These include wheat germ, soybeans, and mushrooms. Fruits and veggies also have this important compound. Wheat germ has a lot of spermidine, especially in the outer layer of grains.

Plant-Based Sources

Legumes, like soybeans, are packed with spermidine. They are great for a healthy diet. Mushrooms, such as button and portobello, are good sources too. Some fruits and veggies like apples, grapes, and leafy greens can also give us spermidine.

Animal-Based Sources

Some animal products also have spermidine. This includes aged cheese like Cheddar and Gouda. Meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish are sources as well.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods can also offer spermidine. Examples are sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh, and kefir. The process of fermentation helps create this compound.

Food Source

Spermidine Content

Wheat germ

350 mg/kg


167-291 mg/kg

Black Shimeji mushrooms

over 120 mg/kg

Green peas

over 50 mg/kg


32.4 mg/kg


over 90 mg/kg


5 mg of spermidine and over 40 mg of spermine per kg

Pig, chicken, and cow liver

32-161 mg/kg


15.8-39.9 mg/kg

Green pepper

over 90 mg/kg

Spermidine Supplements

You can find spermidine not only in food but also in supplements. Just-Glow offers spermidine supplements providing a strong dose, making it easy to control your intake. Experience spermidine in capsules or tablets with Just-Glow for your wellness journey!

Recommended Dosage

The right amount of spermidine is still under study. How much you need can change due to your age, health, and goals. Studies show daily amounts from 1 to 10 milligrams work well. Always check what the maker suggests and talk to a healthcare expert before you start.

Potential Side Effects and Risks

Spermidine is safe, especially when you get it from food or take the right dose in supplements. Still, some people might face issues like stomach problems or headaches. If you have a bad reaction, stop taking it. If you have health issues or take other medicine, ask a doctor before using spermidine.

Research and Studies on Spermidine

Key Findings from Clinical Trials

Scientists have been busy studying spermidine and its effects on health. clinical trials have uncovered some exciting results. These include:

  • Autophagy, which is the body removing old and damaged cells, shows an increase with spermidine. This process can extend the lives of various organisms like yeast, flies, and mammals.
  • It's found that spermidine can boost heart health by making the lining of blood vessels work better. It also helps lower blood pressure.
  • The compound seems to protect nerve cells in the brain and could help maintain thinking skills. It may also fight against conditions that harm the brain.
  • Spermidine has been observed to reduce swelling and fight inflammation. It might help against the effects of constant, low-level inflammation seen in some diseases.
  • Spermidine shows promise in stopping cancer cells from growing. This could be a new way to treat cancer.

    Ongoing Research and Future Prospects

    The exploration of spermidine's uses in health and longevity continues. Research is still active on several fronts:

    1. Scientists are trying to understand exactly how spermidine affects our cells, its connection to autophagy, and how it keeps DNA stable.
    2. The long-term effects and safety of taking spermidine supplements are being looked into in people.
    3. The role of spermidine in changing how our immune systems work, and its effect on diseases linked to aging, is a focus.
    4. Researchers are interested in how spermidine might work together with other nutrients or lifestyle choices to boost health.

      With more knowledge about how spermidine works and its effect on health, using this compound for better health and preventing diseases looks hopeful in the future.

      How to Increase Spermidine Intake

      Dietary Recommendations

      Eating the right foods can up our spermidine levels. Add wheat germ to your breakfast. Cook with soybeans, found in tofu and edamame. Use mushrooms in your meals too.

      Aged cheeses and fermented foods, like sauerkraut, offer spermidine. Try Cheddar or Gouda cheeses. Enjoy kimchi, miso, or tempeh as well. They're good sources of this compound.

      Lifestyle Changes

      Changing how we live can boost our spermidine. It's key to have a healthy mix of gut bacteria. They make spermidine.

      Relaxing often helps. Try meditation or yoga. Exercise is great too. It's important because stress can lower your spermidine levels. Plus, getting good sleep matters.

      Supplementation Guidelines

      Taking spermidine supplements? Talk to a doctor first, especially if you're on meds. Always follow the dose your supplement suggests. Too much might not help more.

      Be patient. Results from taking spermidine can take time. You could also try it with other supplements like resveratrol. Together they might work better for you.


      What does spermidine do for your body?

      Spermidine supports cellular health by promoting autophagy, a process that removes damaged cells and promotes renewal. It acts as a natural antioxidant and may help improve heart health and brain function.

      What is the purpose of spermidine?

      The purpose of spermidine is to support cellular renewal and health. It helps in cellular cleanup (autophagy), promotes longevity, and may boost immune function and overall well-being.

      Can spermidine reverse aging?

      Spermidine shows promise in promoting healthy aging by supporting cellular renewal and combating age-related decline. While it's not a magic bullet, research suggests spermidine may help to slow down aspects of aging and improve longevity.

      How does spermidine contribute to longevity?

      Spermidine might help us live longer by boosting autophagy. This is when cells clean themselves, getting rid of bad parts. Spermidine supports this process. It helps keep cells healthy and may slow down aging.

      What are the potential health benefits of spermidine?

      Spermidine could be good for the heart and protect the brain. It might fight inflammation and even help prevent cancer. Some think it could also make our minds sharper.


      In conclusion, spermidine emerges as a fascinating compound with the potential to impact our health and longevity significantly. From supporting cellular functions to potentially extending lifespan and fighting age-related diseases, its benefits are compelling. Incorporating spermidine-rich foods, making lifestyle changes, or considering supplementation could enhance your well-being. At Just-Glow, we're committed to helping you optimize your health. Explore our products or reach out to learn more about how spermidine can be part of your wellness journey. Embrace spermidine today and invest in a healthier tomorrow.


      Have you heard about spermidine? It's a natural compound found in all living things. It's gaining a lot of attention in anti-aging studies. Let's find out more about this compound and its influence on our health and lifespan. As we grow older, our bodies have less spermidine. This drop might be linked to aging and age-related illnesses. Yet, boosting our spermidine intake could improve longevity and health. This is why it's such an exciting field in anti-aging research.

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