David Sinclair Supplements: What You Need to Know

Jul 24, 2024 Just-Glow
David Sinclair Supplements

Key Takeaways:

  • David Sinclair’s Supplement Regimen: Dr. David Sinclair’s daily supplements include NMN, resveratrol, metformin, fisetin, spermidine, and more, aiming to enhance longevity and overall health.
  • Scientific Basis: Sinclair’s recommendations are rooted in his research on cellular pathways, emphasizing the importance of NAD+, sirtuins, and compounds like resveratrol to slow aging.
  • Health Benefits: The supplements he endorses support energy metabolism, DNA repair, cardiovascular health, and cognitive function, potentially extending lifespan and improving healthspan.

Who is David Sinclair?

Dr. David Sinclair is a biologist and professor at Harvard University renowned for his groundbreaking research on aging and longevity. With a robust background in molecular genetics, he has significantly contributed to our understanding of the biological mechanisms that drive aging. Sinclair's work primarily revolves around sirtuins, NAD+, and other critical pathways influencing the aging process. His research has been instrumental in developing various supplements aimed at promoting longevity and enhancing healthspan.

The Science Behind David Sinclair’s Supplement Recommendations

David Sinclair's supplement recommendations are deeply rooted in his extensive research on cellular pathways that impact aging. Here are the key scientific concepts behind his recommendations:

Understanding NAD+ and its Importance

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a coenzyme essential for energy production and DNA repair. As we age, NAD+ levels decline, leading to decreased cellular function and increased vulnerability to age-related diseases. Sinclair's research emphasizes the importance of maintaining high NAD+ levels to support overall health and longevity.

The Role of Sirtuins in Aging

Sirtuins are a family of proteins that regulate cellular health, playing a crucial role in aging and longevity. These proteins require NAD+ to function and are activated by compounds like resveratrol. By enhancing sirtuin activity, it's possible to improve cellular function and extend lifespan.

How Resveratrol Impacts Longevity

Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in red wine and certain plants. It activates sirtuins, mimicking the effects of caloric restriction, which has been shown to extend lifespan in various organisms. Sinclair's studies suggest that resveratrol can promote cardiovascular health, improve metabolic function, and potentially increase longevity.

Key Supplements Recommended by David Sinclair

David Sinclair recommends several supplements to boost longevity and healthspan. Here are the primary supplements and their benefits:

Key Supplements Recommended by David Sinclair

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

Benefits of NMN

  • Boosts NAD+ levels
  • Improves energy metabolism
  • Enhances DNA repair

Recommended Dosage

One gram each morning.

Potential Side Effects

Mild digestive issues.


Benefits of Resveratrol

  • Activates sirtuins
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Mimics caloric restriction benefits

Recommended Dosage

One gram mixed with coconut yogurt each morning.

Potential Side Effects

Gastrointestinal discomfort in high doses.


Benefits of Metformin

  • Mimics fasting benefits
  • Reduces blood sugar levels
  • May extend lifespan

Recommended Dosage

One gram most days.

Potential Side Effects

Digestive issues, potential vitamin B12 deficiency.


Benefits of Fisetin

  • Senolytic properties (removes senescent cells)
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Cognitive protection

Recommended Dosage

500 to 1,000 milligrams per day.

Potential Side Effects

Generally well-tolerated, but may cause digestive discomfort.


Benefits of Spermidine

  • Promotes autophagy (cellular cleanup)
  • Supports cognitive function
  • May extend lifespan

Recommended Dosage

1 to 2 milligrams of the active ingredient per day.

Potential Side Effects

Generally considered safe; high doses might cause mild digestive issues.

Alpha-lipoic Acid

Benefits of Alpha-lipoic Acid

  • Enhances cellular energy production
  • Acts as a potent antioxidant
  • Supports glucose metabolism

Recommended Dosage

Approximately 300 milligrams, taken once or twice a day.

Potential Side Effects

Possible digestive issues.

TMG (Trimethylglycine)

Benefits of TMG

  • Supports methylation processes
  • Protects against homocysteine buildup
  • Enhances liver function

Recommended Dosage

Approximately 500 milligrams per day.

Potential Side Effects

Generally well-tolerated; excessive intake may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort.


Benefits of Taurine

  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Promotes bile salt formation
  • May enhance muscle function

Recommended Dosage

Two grams per day.

Potential Side Effects

Generally safe, though high doses may cause mild digestive issues.

Fish Oil and Omega-3s

Benefits of Fish Oil and Omega-3s

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Supports heart health
  • Promotes brain function

Recommended Dosage

Varies; typically two to four grams per day of combined EPA and DHA.

Potential Side Effects

May cause fishy aftertaste or mild digestive issues.

Vitamin D3 and K2

Benefits of Vitamin D3 and K2

  • Supports bone health
  • Enhances calcium absorption
  • Promotes cardiovascular health

Recommended Dosage

Standard doses: 2,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 and 50 to 120 micrograms of vitamin K2.

Potential Side Effects

Generally well-tolerated; excessive vitamin D intake can lead to toxicity.

How to Incorporate David Sinclair’s Supplements into Your Routine

Incorporating David Sinclair's supplements into your routine involves:

  • Best Practices for Supplementation: Follow recommended dosages and ensure a balanced diet.
  • Timing and Combination Tips: Take NMN, resveratrol, and spermidine in the morning. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
  • Consulting with a Healthcare Professional: Always seek professional guidance before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure safety and efficacy.

Frequently Asked Questions About David Sinclair’s Supplements

Are David Sinclair’s supplements safe?

Yes, when taken at recommended dosages and under medical supervision, David Sinclair's supplements are generally safe. However, individual responses can vary, so it's essential to monitor your health and consult with a healthcare provider.

Can I take these supplements with my current medication?

Consult with your healthcare provider to avoid potential interactions. They can provide guidance on safely incorporating these supplements into your current regimen.

How long before I see results from these supplements?

Results can vary depending on the individual and the specific supplement. Some benefits may be noticed within a few weeks, while others might take several months of consistent use.

Which supplements does David Sinclair use?

David Sinclair uses Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), Resveratrol, Metformin, Fisetin, Spermidine, Alpha-lipoic Acid, Trimethylglycine (TMG), Taurine, Fish Oil, Vitamin D3, and K2. These supplements are part of his regimen to enhance longevity and healthspan by supporting cellular functions and metabolic health.

What anti-aging pill does David Sinclair take?

David Sinclair takes Metformin as an anti-aging pill. Metformin mimics the benefits of fasting, reduces blood sugar levels, and may extend lifespan. He typically takes one gram most days.

Why does David Sinclair take NMN?

David Sinclair takes NMN to boost NAD+ levels, which are essential for energy production and DNA repair. Increasing NAD+ levels helps improve cellular function, support metabolism, and promote overall health and longevity. He recommends taking one gram of NMN each morning.


David Sinclair’s supplement regimen focuses on enhancing longevity and healthspan through scientifically backed supplements like NMN, resveratrol, and others. Incorporating these supplements into your routine can support overall health and potentially extend lifespan. Always consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to your supplement routine to ensure safety and effectiveness. At Just-Glow, we believe in the power of scientifically-backed health solutions to help you live a longer, healthier life.


Have you ever wondered what a Harvard biologist takes to slow down aging? Dr. David Sinclair, a renowned expert in longevity, has a supplement regimen that could redefine how we think about aging. Are you curious to discover the exact supplements that fuel his groundbreaking research and personal health? Discover the science-backed supplements Dr. Sinclair uses daily to boost health and extend lifespan. Start your journey to longevity today!