Fisetin: A Powerful Antioxidant for Healthy Aging

Jul 23, 2024 Just-Glow

Key Takeaways:

  • Fisetin is a flavonoid compound with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Fisetin has been shown to enhance cognitive function, support heart health, and promote longevity in various studies.
  • Incorporating fisetin into your diet or through supplementation can be a valuable addition to your healthy aging regimen.
  • Fisetin's versatility extends to potential benefits for cancer prevention and management of senescent cells, a major contributor to aging.
  • Combining fisetin with other complementary compounds, such as spermidine, can amplify its beneficial effects on cellular health and longevity.

What is Fisetin?

Fisetin is a special type of flavonoid found in fruits and veggies, especially strawberries. It's known for its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. These properties make it interesting for fighting aging and promoting health.

Overview of Fisetin

Fisetin is a molecule that scientists study a lot because of its many benefits. It can help fight cancer, reduce inflammation, and protect the brain. What's cool is that it can kill some old cells safely without harming healthy ones.

Importance of Antioxidants in Aging

Antioxidants like fisetin are key to fighting aging. They stop free radicals and lower oxidative stress, which harm cells and lead to diseases. Fisetin can help reduce aging signs in different tissues and organs in older people.

Exploring fisetin shows it could change how we age healthily. Using antioxidants like fisetin helps us keep our health and energy as we age.

Importance of Antioxidants in Aging


Fisetin Benefits

Fisetin is a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and veggies. It helps with brain function, and heart health, and can even help us live longer. This makes fisetin a key ally in staying healthy as we age.

Enhances Cognitive Function

Fisetin boosts memory and learning in animals. It does this by protecting brain cells and helping them work better. This means it could help keep our minds sharp as we get older.

Supports Heart Health

Fisetin helps keep the heart healthy by reducing inflammation and improving blood vessel function. It also fights against chronic inflammation that comes with aging. This can make our cardiovascular system stronger.

Promotes Longevity

Studies in animals show that fisetin can make them live longer. It does this by getting rid of damaged cells that can harm our health. This is similar to the effects of eating less, which is known to help us live longer.

Promotes Longevity

Fisetin is known for its strong antioxidant effects. Adding foods or supplements with fisetin to your diet can help keep your brain, heart, and body healthy. This can lead to a longer and healthier life.

Fisetin Dosage

Understanding the right amount of fisetin to take daily is key. The best dosage can change with your age and health. Studies suggest a range of 20 mg/kg of body weight could work well.

Recommended Daily Dosage

Most research on fisetin comes from animal studies, with human trials ongoing. Experts say taking 20-40 mg of fisetin daily is safe and might help many adults. Always talk to a healthcare professional to find the right amount for you.

Dosage Variations Based on Age and Health Conditions

Your age and health can affect how much fisetin you need. Those with age-related diseases or cognitive issues might need more. People with liver or kidney problems should be careful or avoid fisetin altogether. Always check with your doctor to get the right dosage for you.

How to Incorporate Fisetin into Your Routine

You can get fisetin from foods like strawberries, apples, and onions. But, supplements might be needed to get enough. Make sure to follow the recommended dosage and be consistent. Talking to a healthcare professional can help you make a safe and effective plan for fisetin supplements.

Fisetin Side Effects

Fisetin is usually safe and well-tolerated. But, it's good to know about its possible side effects. This way, we can avoid risks and make sure it's good for our health.

Common Side Effects

People often feel mild stomach issues like nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain from fisetin. These problems are more common with higher doses. To avoid them, start with a small dose and increase it slowly if needed.

Rare but Serious Side Effects

Sometimes, fisetin can cause serious issues like liver problems and allergic reactions. If you have health problems or take other medicines, talk to a doctor before taking fisetin. It might affect your treatment or make health issues worse.

How to Mitigate Side Effects

Here are ways to lessen fisetin's side effects:

  • Start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it over time to allow your body to adjust.
  • Take fisetin with food to help reduce gastrointestinal discomfort.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Monitor for any adverse reactions and discontinue use if you experience concerning symptoms.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medications.

Being aware of fisetin's side effects and taking steps to prevent them lets us use this antioxidant safely. We can then enjoy its many benefits for our health.

Fisetin Foods

Fisetin is a powerful antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables. Adding these foods to your diet boosts your fisetin intake. This supports your health and well-being.

Natural Sources of Fisetin

Strawberries are a top source of fisetin, with about 160 milligrams per 100 grams. Apples and persimmons are also great choices, offering over 27 and 11 milligrams per 100 grams, respectively.

Fisetin-Rich Foods

  • Strawberries: 160 mg per 100 g
  • Apples: 27 mg per 100 g
  • Persimmons: 11 mg per 100 g
  • Onions: 5 mg per 100 g
  • Grapes: 4 mg per 100 g

Tips for Increasing Fisetin Intake Through Diet

To get the most from fisetin, add these foods to your meals and snacks. Choose raw or lightly processed options when you can. Pairing them with foods like blueberries or green tea boosts their health benefits.

Regularly eating these fisetin-rich foods helps support your health. Enjoy the tasty and nutritious benefits they bring.

Fisetin Skin Benefits

Fisetin is known for its benefits for skin health and anti-aging effects. It protects the skin from harm caused by UV rays and pollution. This makes it a great tool against early aging.

How Fisetin Improves Skin Health

Fisetin is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. These help shield the skin from free radicals and inflammation. This can boost collagen production and make skin more elastic, leading to a younger look.

Anti-Aging Properties for the Skin

Studies show fisetin fights aging signs. It keeps cells healthy and stops oxidative stress. This can lessen fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, making skin look more alive and fresh.

Application Methods and Products

You can use fisetin in skincare products like serums or creams. Eating foods high in fisetin, like strawberries, apples, and persimmons, also help skin health

Fisetin vs Quercetin

Fisetin and quercetin are two flavonoids that share some similarities but have key differences. Both are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Fisetin stands out as a senolytic agent, targeting and removing old cells. It also has stronger effects on the brain and is easier for the body to use than quercetin.

Differences Between Fisetin and Quercetin

Fisetin is better at killing senescent cells, which are important in aging. It also stops cancer cells from spreading and growing. This makes it a strong choice for fighting melanoma.

Benefits of Combining Fisetin and Quercetin

Using fisetin and quercetin together could bring more benefits. Fisetin makes quercetin and other drugs work better against cancer. They target different problems, like cancer, inflammation, and brain decline, together.

Which One is Better for Specific Health Concerns?

Fisetin might be better for certain health issues. It protects the brain more effectively and supports brain health. Its ability to extend life in animals makes it great for aging and living longer.

But, both fisetin and quercetin have their own benefits. The best choice depends on your health goals and needs. Talking to a doctor can help pick the right antioxidants for you.




Senolytic Potency

More Effective

Less Effective

Neuroprotective Effects






Anti-Cancer Potential

Enhances Cytotoxic Drugs

Exhibits Chemopreventive Effects

Anti-Aging Properties

Extends Lifespan in Animal Studies

Demonstrates Senolytic Activity

Fisetin and Cancer

Fisetin, a strong antioxidant found in fruits and veggies, might help fight cancer. Studies show it can slow down or stop cancer cell growth. This includes cells linked to prostate, colon, and lung cancer.

Potential Anti-Cancer Properties of Fisetin

Fisetin could work against cancer in several ways. It can cause cancer cells to die, stop them from surviving, and change signals that help cancer grow. It also affects the mitochondria, turns on certain pathways, and changes proteins in cancer cells.

Research Studies and Clinical Trials

Most studies on fisetin have been in labs and on animals. But, there are now clinical trials to see if it works in people. These trials look at using fisetin to prevent or treat cancer without harming the body.

How Fisetin Can Be Used in Cancer Prevention

Fisetin looks like it could be a key part of preventing cancer. Eating foods high in fisetin or taking supplements might help lower the risk of getting cancer. This could be a natural way to fight cancer.

Fisetin as a Senolytic

Fisetin is amazing because it can target and remove old, damaged cells. These cells, called senescent cells, build up with age. They release factors that cause inflammation and lead to diseases. Fisetin is very good at getting rid of these cells, better than many other natural compounds.

What is a Senolytic?

Senolytics are special compounds that kill or clear out senescent cells. These cells can't divide anymore and release factors that make us age faster. They also cause age-related diseases.

How Fisetin Works as a Senolytic

Fisetin works by changing signals that help cells live longer and making senescent cells die. It's very good at killing these old cells without harming healthy ones.

Benefits of Senolytic Activity in Aging

By removing senescent cells, fisetin can help prevent diseases like heart disease, brain degeneration, and cancer. This means people could live healthier and longer lives. Studies show that fisetin made old mice live almost 10% longer, showing its potential to fight aging.

Spermidine and Fisetin

Two compounds, spermidine and fisetin, are getting a lot of attention for their role in longevity. Fisetin is known for its antioxidant powers and health benefits. Spermidine is less known but also interesting for its effects on cells and lifespan.

What is Spermidine?

Spermidine is a polyamine found in plants and animals. It's in foods like wheat germ, mushrooms, and aged cheeses. Like fisetin, it has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. It also helps with autophagy, a process that cleans out damaged cells.

Combined Benefits of Spermidine and Fisetin

Together, spermidine and fisetin might work even better. They could improve cell function, brain health, and help you live longer. Research shows they fight oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and support longevity.

How to Include Both in Your Diet

To eat more spermidine and fisetin, focus on certain foods. For fisetin, eat strawberries, onions, and other fruits and veggies with it. For spermidine, try wheat germ, mushrooms, and aged cheeses. Eating a mix of these foods helps you get both compounds regularly.


Molecular Weight

Key Benefits


145.25 g/mol

  • Improves immune function
  • Regulates metabolism
  • Promotes cell repair


286.24 g/mol

  • Possesses anti-cancer properties
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Protects skin from oxidative stress

Adding spermidine and fisetin to your diet can help you. These compounds work together to support your cells, and brain, and might even increase your lifespan.

Fisetin Supplements

Getting fisetin from foods is best, but some people take fisetin supplements for more. It's key to pick fisetin supplements from trusted brands like Just-Glow.

Best Fisetin Supplements on the Market

Top fisetin supplements, such as those from Just-Glow, come with pure fisetin and pass third-party tests. They mix fisetin with things like galactomannans to help your body use it better and boost health.

How to Choose the Right Supplement

When picking a fisetin supplement, think about the dose, how it gets absorbed, and what else is in it. Make sure it's made in FDA-approved places and follows GMP. Talking to a doctor can help pick the right amount and brand for you, such as Just-Glow.

Tips for Buying High-Quality Supplements

For a high-quality fisetin supplement, choose brands like Just-Glow that are open about where they get their ingredients and how they make them. Stay away from supplements with extra stuff you don't need. Be careful of claims that sound too good to be true. Always put your health first when picking supplements.


What are the benefits of fisetin?

Fisetin offers several health benefits including powerful antioxidant properties, promoting healthy aging, improving brain function, reducing inflammation, and potentially aiding in cancer prevention.

Which food is highest in fisetin?

Strawberries are the highest natural source of fisetin, providing a significant amount compared to other fruits and vegetables.

What are the disadvantages of fisetin?

The disadvantages of fisetin may include potential side effects such as stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and possible interactions with certain medications. More research is needed to fully understand its long-term effects.

Is it safe to take fisetin every day?

Daily fisetin supplementation is generally considered safe for most people, but it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Does fisetin raise blood pressure?

No, fisetin does not raise blood pressure. In fact, it may help in reducing inflammation and supporting cardiovascular health. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.


In conclusion, Fisetin is a remarkable antioxidant that offers numerous benefits for healthy aging. From improving brain function to reducing inflammation, its potential is impressive. As you consider adding Fisetin to your regimen, remember to consult with a healthcare professional. Explore the high-quality Fisetin supplements available at Just-Glow to start your journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life today!


Do you know about the amazing benefits of fisetin for your health and long life? Fisetin is a natural substance found in fruits and veggies. It's been studied a lot for its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. This makes it a great choice for staying healthy as you age. Fisetin does wonders for our health, from boosting brain function to making our hearts healthier. It might even help us live longer. In this detailed article, we'll look into fisetin's science and how to add it to your daily life for better health and long life.